Thursday, July 9, 2009

Inverted Pyramid

In my last post, I discussed eating five times a day and I realized that although this is important, eating your meals according to the inverted pyramid is just as important. In case you haven't heard of this, it's simple. You eat your largest meal in the morning, medium sized meal midday and your smallest meal in the evening. This way your body is able to burn off the bulk of what you eat and then when your physical activity slows in the evening, it won't have as much to burn. For example, I had a veggie egg white omelet for breakfast with two slices of wheat toast and a small bowl of Special K. This sounds like a lot of food, but take into consideration that I will inevitably be working out for at least an hour later and will burn almost all of that off. For lunch I'm planning on doing a salad or soup and I will probably do the same for dinner, but in a smaller portion. Another quick fix I've found is stopping your intake of carbs before 7:00pm. It takes some getting used to, but it gets easier after you start to see results.

Another realization I came too when I started watching my caloric intake was that the saying "You are what you eat," is very true. Think about it. If you eat a lot of bread and pasta, your body will become soft. If you eat a lot of lean proteins and veggies, your body will be firm. It's so difficult for me to pass up bread at dinner sometimes and usually I allow myself one small piece or half a piece, but for the most part, I try to stay away. Considering this theory before reaching for that second piece of bread could save you from spending the next three days on the treadmill.

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